Special Events

Greetings from Region 7!
On behalf of the rodeo family, we would like to extend a heartfelt welcome to you and your family! Region 7 offers a wide variety of activities for all to enjoy. Please view the printable 2024-2025 Special Events planned for this year. If you have any questions or wish to get involved, reach out to Susie Johnson at 979-830-7930 or Jaqui Rubio at 361-550-2642. Your involvement is not just welcomed but embraced. Join us in creating memorable experiences in Region 7.
View the Printable 2024-2025 Special Events
Bingo Singo Fundraiser
September 7, 2024 - Contestants enjoyed a night of Singo! Bingo Singo is the best new party game that features the same card-based setup with an exciting twist of awesome music playlists. Winners included Brady Joines, Jennifer Willis, Bethany Larison and Kate Curlee (Not Picture -  Braxton Baranowski)
Dog Races Fundraiser
September 21, 2024 - Contestants and their dogs competed in the 2nd Annual Dog Race. Thank you to Toby Fournet for the pictures.

All Round Champion
Fallon Navarro and Arliss

Reserve All Around Champion
Mac Carriger and Radar

Small Dog 
1st Place -  Fallon Navarro and Arliss
2nd Place - Claye Kenney and Rudy

Medium Dog 
1st place - Maci Cook and Boone
2nd place - Kodie Foster and Bullet

Large Dog
1st Place - Mac Carriger and Radar
2nd Place - Cody Kenney and Goldie

Senior Grand Entry

Seniors were introduced during the September 22nd rodeo after the Prayer and Grand Entry. We have 33 Seniors this year.

Region 7 Seniors
8th Grade Grand Entry

8th graders were introduced during the September 21st rodeo after the Prayer and Grand Entry. We have eleven 8th graders this year.


Region 7 8th Graders

Sunshine Kids Rodeo

Nov 2nd was a heartwarming day for our Region 7 families as we got to host the 2nd Annual Sunshine Kids rodeo. For those of you who don't know what this special event is, it provides the chance for Region 7 cowboys, cowgirls, and families to give back to kids with cancer and show them what we love to do… Rodeo!!!  There were four hands-on activity stations. The Mighty Bucky Station which provides a bull riding simulation experience. The dummy roping station to help kids learn how to swing a rope with the help of our student athletes. The Stick Horse and Goat Station is where the Sunshine kids were able to do the barrel pattern on a stick horse as well as seeing a goat up close. Finally, the Horse Riding Station where nine of our athletes brought their own horses for the Sunshine Kids to ride. In addition, every Sunshine Kid contestant was provided with back numbers, cowboy hats, drinks, snacks, ropes, and ropes gloves as well as a pin to wear that resembles this great organization. I got a chance to speak with Melanie Mahurin, Sunshine Kids Coordinator about this special event and how she has been in these families' shoes in her life as well. This event started in 1994. Mahrin was the Region 9 Student President and coordinator of the Sunshine Kids and brought this amazing event back to Region 7 last year for the 2023-2024 Rodeo Season. We asked Melanie why these events meant so much to her and she said, “My son Jett Garrett is a calf roper and team roping in Region 7. Not only is he an athlete, but he is a two time cancer survivor himself. He had kidney and lung cancer. He is a 10 year survivor! As a parent of a cancer survivor my experience through that journey impacts the preparation and success of this event greatly. I have walked and lived the path God chose for our family and because of His faithfulness he has given my son a second chance at life and I get to watch him compete as a normal child doing what he loves with the ability God gave him with a rope.”

This event has also left a rewarding positive impact on Region 7 cowboys and cowgirls as we go to reverse the role and help out on a rodeo for kids with cancer. It is definitely a humbling experience for contestants and families to help brighten up these sunshine kids and their families. Region 7 was able to raise and donate $2000 to the sunshine Kids Foundation.

Want to know more about the sunshine kids? Check out their foundation.
Live Auction and Dinner
November 2, 2024 is Region 7's biggest fundraiser. We had a huge turn out. Families enjoyed a catered meal. After the auction, families enjoyed a dance on the patio.
Steer Saddling 
January 18, 2025, Region 7 families enjoyed watching the steer saddling. 

2024 Returning Champions took the win, making them 2 time Steer Saddling Champions. 
Team - Washed Up - Coleman Canton, Ryan Ehlinger,  Bryce Ehlinger, and Cash Cockrum


Region 7 Most Popular Team
Taylor Martinez, Tracy Ehlinger, Katherine Blanchard, Joanne Scalise, Syble Atkinson

Rodeo Prom

February 1, 2025 - Buy your tickets today! Prices increase after each Rodeo.

  • Both JH and HS may attend the Prom.
  • 8th grade members will be on the ballot for Prom Prince and Princess. 
  • Seniors will be on the ballot for Prom King and Queen.
  • Music provided by R&R Sounds - 361-746-3754 or 361-894-3349

If you want more information or would like to be a part of the prom committee, please contact, Haley Griffin at 713-419-1149.

Order Prom Tickets
Senior Ceremony

February 15, 2025 - More information coming soon.

  • Senior video
  • Shrimp Boil Party for all Contestants
  • Senior Buckets
  • Scholarship Presentations
  • Live Auction
    2025 Scholarship Application - Due Feb 1, 2025


    Contact Us


    PO Box 833 • East Bernard TX 77435
    Phone: 281-468-8973
    Email: region7thsra@gmail.com

    Website Design By Ranch House Designs